Direct contact

»You would like to
get to know us better?«

So do we!

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When would you like us to call you?


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First Step.

A detailed and open discussion, at which thought is given to both corporate and individual motivations for bringing in external support, is for us the essential basis for working together in an atmosphere of trust to achieve long-term impacts.

The transparency achieved by such a meetings is the foundation for effective concepts and services that are custom-designed to meet your special needs and goals and to take account of your previous experience. It is also the prerequisite for implementation to be a visible and noticeable success.

We look forward to first contact – by phone, eMail or personal visit – and to possibly working together!




Unternehmens- und Führungskräfteentwicklung GmbH

Lortzingstraße 29
28209 Bremen


+49 421 6964 4668